Your alarm goes off, and you roll over to hit the snooze, and in that split second you know that you should be getting up so you can attack your week with purpose and intentionality. Hitting that snooze button gives us the impression we can avoid reality for a few more minutes and deny that another week has once again begun.

When Monday comes for most of us, we dread the start of the day since our weekend was too short and our to-do list is still overflowing. Our weekend was not as restful as we hoped and due to just the busyness of life, we had no space for the rest and margin we need to prepare for the next week. For many of us, Mondays another long week as we continue to live with little margin in our calendars, in our wallets and our mental well-being.

But what if it didn’t have to be that way? What if we could approach our Monday with a sense of anticipation and excitement that we could change the flow of the week? What if it was in a straightforward act we made the conscious decision to be different this week? What if we were determined to not only change our approach to the week but quite possibly change a single moment for another and it set up their week to be even better? It would require some work on our part over the weekend or the week prior but what if one day, one small act could set us up for success because we were determined not to let this week be like the ones prior?

I think for so many of us, we want to make a difference in our world, and we think maybe this is the week it happens. Monday’s are a natural starting point as it brings a new week, and a fresh opportunity and then often life happens. We find ourselves lost in the sea of chaos and busyness that steals our best intentions and forces us back into a pattern of merely trying to survive when we long to thrive.

[bctt tweet=”We find ourselves lost in the sea of chaos and busyness that steals our best intentions and forces us back into a pattern of merely trying to survive when we long to thrive.” username=”robbgossen”]

So here is what I am proposing. What if we began to see our Mondays Are For Sharing? What if we chose to put ourselves out there a little bit more? What if we made the promise to ourselves that we would take a few moments over the weekend, or the week we are in, to create something from our heart and then on Mondays we shared it with the world? What if we found something we saw as beauty and we offered it as our contribution to the world to make it a better place? Can you imagine the start of our week? Before we got out of our house, we had already added something beautiful and meaningful that has the potential to inspire and invite others to do the same? It would be a small win but a win that set us on a trajectory that this week is going to be different.

And this is not about perfection. It’s not about trying to find the perfect image for your photo or the best use of words to capture your thoughts. No, it merely believes that beauty is possible and found in sharing something meaningful from our heart.

So here is my #MondaysAreForSharing challenge. Create something from your heart this next week. Then next Monday share with the world. Publish the words that bring life during the week and then on Monday share it with the world. Take a photo that captures the beauty of a moment later on Monday share it with the world. Paint a picture and enjoy the margin it gives you and then on Monday share that with the world. Don’t let the trolls and the naysayers influence you. Remember this creation is not about perfection but about looking to create a world that is drastically different than the one we experienced last week. When you share your creation tag with:


and let the world see beauty in all kinds of forms as we look to thrive this week.

If you are really bold take it one step farther, and go comment on someone else’s #MondaysAreForSharing challenge and let them know how it has brought joy and hope into your life. While significant events often change the world in a moment, lasting and even exponential change comes when we being merely changing one little thing one day, and then adding to it.

The truth is, this is risky. We are taking a piece of our life that we often keep hidden because of the fear of rejection and sharing it with the world. I get that. I fight that every single time I write something for this blog and lose when I put it in a folder that never sees the light of day. I’m tired of losing that fight. I’m tired of seeing others miss living out the fullness of life they were intended to live because of the fear of rejection and dismissal of their dream. This movement is my attempt at choosing to thrive at this thing called life and what a better way to do that than invite others on the journey so that they can succeed as well.

What if instead of dreading Mondays, we woke up excited to share with the world what we had created and could not wait to see what others had brought into existence as well?

Photo by  Yong Chuan on Unsplash


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