New Year, New You. 

Photo by Xan Griffin on Unsplash

It seems that every year at this time, we become determined to be different in the new year. We make resolutions, set goals, review and change our habits so that the new year in some way can be better than the last. And I get it. It makes total sense. Deep inside of our being is a desire to be better than we were so we can experience all we could be. The problem though is that for many, if not most of us, we lose sight of our goals, the new habits don’t stick because the old habits take over. While we may say we want a new life, our old one seems to get in the way. The new takes too much work while the former is more comfortable to live. It’s how we are wired. Our brains seek out the easiest route possible to save energy. 

But I think there is more to it than that. We set goals, change habits and make resolutions with no idea who we want to be. We know what we want and what we want to be, but we have spent very little focusing on who we want to be. The who is so much more than just achieving a goal. Think about it, once a goal is met, what else is there? We have accomplished the purpose. It’s why the goal of losing weight often sees the same weight come back on later. The goal of running a 5k, 10k or a marathon is great but what happens after the goal is reached? It’s couch potato time again. I say this because this is me. I lose a few pounds, but after achieving my goal, I slide back into my unhealthy eating habits. I run the 5k and then video games, and tv shows are way more appealing than another run. 

When we decide that who we want to be is far higher than what we want to accomplish, there is a switch that gets flipped, and permanent change becomes a little bit easier and obtainable. Our identity is driving force that is much more compelling than a great goal or habit change. While they can be exciting, after a while the new wears off and the excitement fades. When we have made up our mind that our identity and who we can be is something great than what we can accomplish there is a stronger drive to live into that identity even when it is 2 months into the new year.

Is this an easier route? No certainly not. There is still a great deal of work and effort that has to go into changing our identity to become the person we desire to be. Again our brains will look for the more natural route but why not give it something more compelling? Living into the who we want to become will require a shift in habits, but it will provide a higher purpose than merely achieving a goal. Living into the who we wish to become will have goals, but they will be goals that will continue to be accomplished and then instantly moved out just beyond our grasp. These goals will be a call for us to look for improvements continually. 

A genuinely New You in a New Year, is more significant than merely changing your habits, creating new goals and making resolutions. It requires we change our question from what do you want to do, to WHO do you want to be? The what will fade, the who can inspire.

There is so much more to this journey but for now just something to get you thinking about your new year. Thanks so much for reading.


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