Let me ask you a couple of question.
- Do you believe you are creative?
- Would you consider yourself to be A Creative?
Until recently, my answer to those to questions would have been: kind of and no way. I write messages so I can do some creating but I am definitely not A Creative. I have friends that I look at see what they are doing, how they think and what they can create and would never put myself in that category.
I saw those who I, and often the world, considers to be a creative as those who push the limits of what has been established, do things artistically that capture people’s attention. A creative was someone for who creativity just naturally flowed out of their pores.
My idea of a creative was the name of the person who painted the amazing works of art that were hanging on the walls in the coffee shop where I am writing this.
My idea of A Creative was the author who was able to make a living on their blog or writing books.
My idea of A Creative was the actor who had the ability to draw me into a story on the screen with their abilities.
My idea of A Creative was that person who could capture amazing things with a camera or put together amazing videos.
My idea of A Creative was that person who could write and play amazing lyrics to songs that stirred the deepest part of my soul.
Those were my ideas of what it meant to be A Creative. The operative words here are “was” and “were.” See somewhere along the line, I bought into a line (more like the lie) that to be A Creative you had to have a certain set of skills that came naturally. What I have come to learn and to realize is that we are all Creatives in our own way. We all have the ability to create some incredible works of art for those that are in our lives. What it takes is the willingness and desire to work the creative muscles much like working the physical muscles in the body.
Being A Creative takes work. You have to be willing to get messy. It takes diligence and a desire to shed the false notion that “I am not a creative person.” We are all creatives because we have all been created. I believe that God, who is the greatest Creator, fashioned us after himself, and we are the greatest work of art. Because we were created in the image of a Creator, we are all inherently creative. It’s simply a matter of discovering what works of art we like and were born to create. When we create, we tap into something bigger than ourselves. We unleash something in us that restores and brings this fullness of life that only comes with creation of something outside of ourselves.
Our personal masterpieces, may never be placed in The Met, be read by millions, or watched by the world but they are still our works of art. Without us creating them, the world is being robbed of what we can offer from our creative perspective. Wherein lies the problem, we have been conditioned to believe that unless it reaches the masses or goes viral then it wasn’t a successful creation.
The truth is this;
You are A Creative.
I am A Creative.
It’s a matter of believing you were created by a Creator to create and bring about beauty in your world. The question is how do we tap into that Creative side of who we are?