Truth is I am stuck. I have been stuck for the last two months. It’s been nearly impossible to put words on a page or screen. It’s not that I don’t have ideas, it’s that I can’t write in a way that puts words together in a cohesive, creative, and completed way. I haven’t written a full blog post in this time. I have gotten my sermons “done” but only because it was time to teach and preach at youth group. They were in no way complete and finished. Needless to say it has been a difficult two months of writers block if you believe in such a thing.

And so for this Lenten season, I have decided that I am going to give up something different everyday. And I will do my best to not pick them back up during this season and beyond depending on the thing surrendered. These will be things that hold me back from the fullness a transparent life I long to live and model. Yesterday I surrendered my pride and I got help. I admitted that I was stuck creatively and I called my coach for help. She walked me through the internal dialogue that was taking place in my head and she helped me create a small path through the weeds that now I just need to walk. It’s not that I am unstuck, but now there is some direction and some momentum that I hope will start things moving again.

Yesterday I gave up my pride and humbled myself to get another perspective and set of eyes on what’s going on. It hasn’t fixed the problem but it has helped. It was fitting that my help came as Lent began. In a season of decrease and sacrifice, it’s good to understand who and what we are. We are not what we do, or create, or write, or pretend to be. It’s who we really are that matters. We are loved for simply being. My position with God is not determined by what I do or write for Him. It’s determined because I am a child of his creation.

So with that, I move forward. Over the next month, I am writing one blog post a week that I will post on Wednesday by noon. And when the cohesive and creative thoughts run out, I am going to stop. The post might not feel complete and that’s ok. My new phrase for this season is to be continued. And I really like the picture that it paints. I am a work in progress and so why not share my journey in the most honest and transparent way. Incomplete thoughts and posts can be returned to and who knows, maybe we can write the story together.

To be continued…


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