About Shifting the Wilderness.

Robb Gossen

Coach & Founder of Shifting the Wilderness

Shifting The Wilderness was born out of Robb’s journey through an extended dry wilderness season of transition. During this time, he was looking for someone who understood what he was wrestling with and could be a guide who could help navigate this unfamiliar territory. Knowing countless others would be making their journey through a wilderness, and a guide would make a difference, he decided to take on the role he longed to have for himself.

Shifting The Wilderness is a shift in the mindset we often carry into a difficult season or have when dealing with transitions. We tend to focus on what we need to do or how much longer we will be stuck in this season. When we shift from what we must do to whom we need to become, we shift the wilderness from something we get through to a place of growth and discovery. This subtle shift has a significant impact moving forward.

Whether through a blog, a course, group coaching, or one-on-one coaching, Robb is determined to help you through your wilderness season and into the next chapter of life. He knows it’s not just about getting to the “promised land” but helping you shift your mindset to whom you are becoming on your way. He describes a win as you achieving success in reaching your goal and discovering who you are becoming in the process.

©2025 Shifting the Wilderness  |  Powered by Tension Group

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