“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” My guess is that you have more than likely heard this quote...
Resolutions. Goals. Habits, Rituals, Systems. Word of the Year. Don’t do that one, but be sure to do this...
Have you ever had a question get into your head, and you cannot get it out? It’s not that...
“When a spacecraft gets off its trajectory, or path through space, it must be put back on the right...
Photo by Zack Minor on Unsplash My daughter recently started reading The Hunger Games. This is exciting as I now get the...
Don't start your year asking what do I want to accomplish but with WHO do I want to become?
Your alarm goes off, and you roll over to hit the snooze, and in that split second you know...
Truth is I am stuck. I have been stuck for the last two months. It’s been nearly impossible to...
The need for perfection will delay your dreams and goals. My goal was to launch this new blog and page...